Monday, September 23, 2013


What's Your True Age?
46 Years Old

You're 46 years old! You are smack dab in the middle of your mid-life crisis. You aren't sure if the decisions you've made up to this point were the best ones, and you have no idea what you want for the future. You have the sinking feeling that you've made a mistake (or more) in the way you've been living your life, so you set out to find whatever it is you're lacking. Whether that be making an impulse purchase on a motorcycle or deciding to quit your job, you're ready for something new. Hang in there; your friends and family are there to help you through this difficult time!

10.6% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.

- See more at:


إبـراهيم ... said...

شكرًا شكرًا :)
أنا طلعت أصغر منِّك بشوية

Shrouk said...

شوية بس؟؟؟ :D

مروة said...

متشكرين يا مغمورة
وأدي النتيجة بدون تزويق :)
What's Your True Age?

99 Years Old

You're 99 years young! You've lived a long and fulfilling life, and you're ready to enjoy some much-needed rest. Because of your long life, you are very wise, respected, and knowledgeable, able to give important advice about life to your loved ones. Even though your health isn't at its best, you know that it's important to avoid dwelling on the negative. Make each day count, because you never know how much time you have left!

2.0% of people that have taken this quiz have achieved this result.

Shrouk said...

طيب هو انتي تالت واحدة اعرف تعمل الكويز ده وتطلع سنها اكبر من سنها الحقيقي
ده بيثبت المقولة اللي بتقول ان البنات بتنضج/تعجز قبل الرجالة :(
و عموما age is just a number
و انا مش قصير قزعة اطلاقاً