Monday, August 29, 2011


You know, I knew these girls, I went to school with them... It's funny. I used to feel sorry for them. They're simple girls. They just wanna find the guy and get married, you know? Live. I don't know, I think you're either born simple or you're born... me. I wanna be the person who gets happy over finding the perfect dress, I wanna be simple, cause no one holds a gun to the head of a simple girl." it would be easy to just live

grays anatomy,Dr. Cristina Yang season 7

اشاركها نفس الغرابة وكونها غير اجتماعية...اشاركها رغبتها في الاستقلال وتحقيق ذاتها وان كنت لا ادري كيف بعد...تشاركني الان عدم قدرتها علي تخطي حدث ما رغم تخطي الاخرين المشاركين لها فيه ورغبتها في الاستسلام..اشاركها رغبتها في ان تكون "بسيطة"...ان اكون احد هؤلاء الفتيات اللاتي يفرحن بدعوة كالتى اوقفت مديري عن نطقها اليوم بفظاظة عند تهنئته لي بالعيد " يارب السنة اللي جاية تكوني في بيتك" اشاركها الرغبة في ان اكون احدي هؤلاء الفتيات اللاتي طالما سخرت منهن...عل هذا يكون اسهل..علي حينها استطيع  تقبل دعوة كهذه تقدم من باب المجاملة دون ان اندفع وارفضها من رجل في عمر والدي يدعو لي بما يظنه خيرا ليس الا...


Anonymous said...

Burke was- He took something from me.
He took little pieces of me, little pieces over time, so small I didn't even notice,
you know? He wanted me to be something I wasn't, and I made myself into what he wanted.

One day I was me Cristina Yang, and then suddenly I was lying for him, and jeopardizing my career, and agreeing to be married and wearing a ring, and being a bride.

Until I was standing there in a wedding dress with no eyebrows, and I wasn't Cristina Yang anymore.

And even then, I would've married him. I would have.

I lost myself for a long time. And now that I'm finally me again, I can't.

I love you. I love you more than I loved Burke. I love you. And that scares the crap out of me because when you asked me to ignore Teddy's page, you took a piece of me, and I let you. And that will never happen again.

that's where I exactly am right now
welcome on board :D

هبة رفعت said...

حلوة قوى فكرة البساطة ديه
وانا بتفق معاها جدا
ويبقى بنا كلام